Well it really has been a while since I last posted. My "bump" is now three!!!
Pregnancy and Fibro do not sit well together, it is totally the hardest thing I have ever done and ended in an emergency C section. I never thought I would be well enough to have a child, and am so glad we decided to try when we did. It took a long while to recover afterwards, not from the section but because my body had put everything it had into making a baby. I have had several episodes of being bedridden, not great when you have a little one to look after. It put a lot of strain on my other half having to look after both of us. Mostly it's been a case of muddling through. Now that he's at nursery 3 days a week (and summer school too) it's a bit easier, and we have had more time to put into other things. I've been on a de-cluttering spree over the past couple of weeks, and all this organisation has made me want to start blogging again. I've even started bullet journaling! Pintrest is dangerous!! I don't think I will have time to blog every week as yet, but will try for once a month.
I'm working on a couple of knitting projects at the moment. A pair of mittens for a birthday present, a cardigan for a new baby, and a mitred square cushion cover. I've also been slowly getting back into doing other crafts which got put aside, such as card making and making small gifts. I have also recently started making up my own knitting patterns with a pair of fingerless mitts. I had been looking through lots of patterns for ways to use up leftover sock yarn in a simple mitt pattern but didn't like any one pattern so cobbled together different aspects of several. I'm going to write up the pattern over the next week or so and put it on the blog as everyone who I have shown them to has said how good they are and that I should.